Monday, 10 March 2008

Fears - what I am REALLY scared of - part 1 Money

OK here is the thing. I am the main breadwinner in our house.

My husband is an amazing man. He is a professional. He is excellent at his job. He LOVES his job.

But in his profession (design) he has a lower salary than I do (in IT).

On current salaries, we couldn't live where we live (outer London) on one salary and we certainly coudn't manage on just his salary.

I wish more than anything that we could swap salaries. He really deserves to get more.

So, that is the state of affairs with just the two of us and my step-daughter, we already need two salaries.

So, I find myself wondering, and worrying, what happens when we get pregnant? We are on this journey to have children. We are having touble and I am scared shitless about what we do about money if it acutally happens.

There is no answer except 'we will find a way'. I know that.

What do other women breadwinners do I wonder? Do they, like me, wish they had the choice to work or not to work rather than knowing you will have to work like it or not?

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